For the first time in the history of the Goyas, the Goya for Best Feature Film, was awarded to two films: the historical drama set in 1970s Barcelona, The 47 directed by Marcel Barrena and the thriller set in the Basque Country Undercover, directed by Arantxa Echevarría.
The award winners:
Best Film (ex aequo)
In Spiritual Destiny, the first book in the Alp to Taw Chronicles and Destiny Trilogy, meet Joseph Arthur Golden-Eagle, known as JAG, a full-blooded Pequot Native American who believes he possesses the vision to guide humanity through a pivotal crossroads. Raised by Night Owl and Morning Dove in Stonington,...
Here's the last set of initial predictions for what will win at the Oscar ceremony on March 2nd. I'll have fresh predictions for Best Picture, Direction and the Acting categories on Thursday. As always, TFF films are in Bold.
1) Wicked
2) Conclave
LISTEN TO "VENOM" ON SPOTIFY: Music by Supreme Devices (@supremedevices) Composed by David Klemencz (@davidklemencz) Vocals and Lyrics by Iris Goes (@irisgoes_) Licensing Information: Stream & Download The Track: ▸ Spotify: ▸ iTunes / Apple Music: ▸ Amazon:...
? Playlist: 01. 00:00:00 Ben Berkenbosch - In Vain 02. 00:04:41 Ben Berkenbosch - Left Behind 03. 00:06:41 Ray Pherz - Memories of the Past (Epic Music World) 04. 00:14:26 Lorenzo Ferrara - Salvation 05. 00:17:58 Lorenzo Ferrara - No One Will 06. 00:21:08 Ben Berkenbosch - Elyos 07. 00:29:05 Falk Wünsch - One Life 08. 00:35:21 Ben Berkenbosch - The Wasteland 09. 00:40:15 Ben Berkenbosch -...
Typical woke nonsense – a biopic of Robert E. Lee starring Kate Winslet as the Civil War general – it’s no wonder it didn’t perform too well in the southern states. No, I’m only joking, it’s actually about Lee Miller, the pioneering WWII photojournalist, and was a real labour of love for Winslet. It’s the […]
The post Lee first appeared on
Jan 30, 2025: International Jury and Children's and Youth Jury of In each of the section's two competitions, the three members of International Jury will be awarding the Grand Prix for the Best Film and the Special Prize for the Best Short Film [...]
Jan 30, 2025: The The award for a fiction debut is endowed with 50,000 euros, funded by GWFF (Gesellschaft zur Wahrnehmung von Film- und Fernsehrechten). A three-member jury chooses the winner for the Best First Feature Award [...]
Jan 30, 2025: Berlinale 2025: International Jury In 2025, once again a multitalented International Jury will decide who will take home the Golden and the Silver Bears at the Berlinale. 19 films are competing for the awards in this year’s . The winners will be announced at the Berlinale Palast on February 22 [...]
2025 – International Short Film Jury The programmer and short film expert Jing Haase (Denmark), film composer Dascha Dauenhauer (Germany) and director Phạm Ngọc Lân (Vietnam) are the International Short Film Jury of