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Adam Driver Sex Tape, Shia LaBeouf in Drag and Dominatrix
Aubrey Plaza Land Divisive ‘Megalopolis’ a 7-Minute Standing
Ovation at Cannes
Rick W
/ Categories: Film Score News

Adam Driver Sex Tape, Shia LaBeouf in Drag and Dominatrix Aubrey Plaza Land Divisive ‘Megalopolis’ a 7-Minute Standing Ovation at Cannes

Is Francis Ford Coppola’s controversial magnum opus “Megalopolis” any good? The two hour and 20 minute dystopian drama certainly divided the audience at the Cannes Film Festival on Thursday night with its collision course of shocking scenes: a doctored sex tape featuring Adam Driver, Shia LaBeouf dressing in drag and playing a Trumpian figure and […]