European Talent Competition 2024 · Closing submission in
less than three weeks
Composers and sound designers, the submission deadline for the EUROPEAN TALENT COMPETITION is in less than three weeks. Hurry up and apply to the WDR FILMSCORE AWARD and EUROPEAN TALENT AWARD SOUND DESIGN creating the score or the sound design for the short film "Balcony Cacophony" (D: Quentin Haberham).
Submission deadline is April 24th, 2024 10:00 am CEST.
Contestants may either compose the score or create the sound design for the short film and may also work together in a team with another composer or sound designer. Sound designers in particular are encouraged to submit sound-only projects!
The twelve finalists will be presented with their work to the audience and jury during the SoundTrack_Cologne competition screening. The award ceremony will take place during the official Gala on Friday, July 5th, 2024.
The winner of the WDR FILMSCORE AWARD will have the opportunity to record an original composition of 7 – 9 minutes length with the WDR Funkhausorchester – for many young composers this could be their first opportunity to record with a large orchestra and begin filling out their film-scoring calling card.
The winner for the best SOUND DESIGN will receive a 5.1 cinematic mix down in the prestigious sound mixing studio Chaussee SoundVision GmbH.
The contest is open to all active students in the fields of sound, music, and/or composition at a European film or music school (without age limit); or any young European creatives up to and including 30 years of age.
> The online registration form and the terms and conditions for your participation can be found by following the link below.
After the online registration you may download the short film and start your project.
Short film "Balcony Cacophony" (Netherlands, 2022, 5 min)
Directed by: Quentin Haberham
When a rich lady with a passion for topiary must swap her mansion with lush gardens for a tiny council flat, she finds it difficult to cope with her new neighbor and his strange hobbies. A crazy neighborhood feud starts.