Rick W / Tuesday, July 30, 2024 / Categories: Film Score News The Beauty Of Epic Music | A Beautiful Yet Powerful Music Mix | Vol.1 Tracks: 01. 00:00:00 Gabriel Salcedo - From the Beginning (Epic Music World) 02. 00:03:10 Gabriel Salcedo - Afterlife (Epic Music World) 03. 00:06:47 Pauli Hausmann - Star Elysium (Epic Music World) 04. 00:10:53 Ray Pherz - Lineage of Angels (Epic Music World) 05. 00:14:40 Niklas Ahlstedt - Between Worlds (Epic Music World) 06. 00:18:07 Jaidan Van Diepen Ft. Julie Seechuk - Will There Be Light (Epic Music World) 07. 00:22:56 Ray Pherz - Dance of Forgotten Souls 08. 00:27:24 Sami J. Laine & Michael Yang Ft. Kreetta Sihvola - Stargazer (Epic Music World) 09. 00:31:26 Sami J. Laine & Michael Yang - A Hope, A Dream (Epic Music World) 10. 00:35:36 Gabriel Salcedo - Over the Horizon (Epic Music World) 11. 00:39:04 Gabriel Salcedo - Your Story Has to Start Now (Epic Music World) 12. 00:42:07 Gabriel Salcedo - This Is the Light of Life (Epic Music World) 13. 00:45:12 Nick Tzios - When We Were Young (Epic Music World) 14. 00:47:10 Niklas Ahlstedt - Nouvelle Vie (Epic Music World) 15. 00:51:44 Andrés Hernández Sarmiento - Australis (Epic Music World) 16. 00:55:18 Gabriel Salcedo - Across The Sea (Epic Music World) 17. 00:59:16 Gabriel Salcedo - Approaching The Moment (Epic Music World) 18. 01:02:21 Gabriel Salcedo - Live The Dreams (Epic Music World) Artist Links Soon ✔ All music belongs to the Epic Music World label. ✔ You can use this music FOR FREE as long you don't monetize your videos and you credit the artist, title, and label Epic Music World in video or description. If you want to monetize (earn money with the music) you'll need to buy a license. ▂ ? All Label Music Of Epic Music World™ Is Available On: ▸ YouTube Music: https://bit.ly/YouTubeMusicEMW ▸ Spotify: https://bit.ly/EMWSpotify ▸ Deezer: https://bit.ly/EMWDezeer ▸ Apple Music: https://bit.ly/EMWApple ▸ Amazon Music: https://rebrand.ly/EpicMusicWorld_AmazonMusic ▸ Tidal: https://rebrand.ly/EMW_Tidal Epic Music World™ Websites: #epicmusicworld ▸ Spotify: https://bit.ly/EpicMusicWorld ▸ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kai_emw ▸ Keep Me Alive (Donation): https://goo.gl/iIsogi ▸ Merchandise EU: https://shop.spreadshirt.net/epicmusicworld/ ▸ Epic Music World II: http://bit.ly/1Oo4n11 ▸ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EpicMusicWorld2/ ▸ Join Discord: https://discord.gg/ry5z8AZ ▸ Patreon: https://patreon.com/EpicMusicWorld ▸ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/epicmusicworld ▸ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kai_emw/ ▸ Work Submission For The Epic Music World Label (Only Unreleased Music): epicmusicworld@gmx.net ▂ ★ Image by WLOP: ▸ Image: https://twitter.com/wlopwangling/status/1811238540598186322/photo/3 ▸ ArtStation: https://www.artstation.com/wlop ▸ Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/2188232 ▸ Gumroad: https://wlop.gumroad.com/ ▸ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wlopart ▸ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wlop?ty=h ▸ Tumblr: http://wlopwangling.tumblr.com/ ▸ Twitter: https://twitter.com/wlopwangling ▸ DeviantArt: http://wlop.deviantart.com ★ animated by Realtime Motion Studios: http://realtime-motion-studios.rf.gd ★ Buy Your Animation: https://rocketr.net/sellers/realtimemotionstudios ▂ © Copyright Info ✔ Be aware the picture belongs to the original artist WLOP. ✔ The Image was given a special license directly from the artist to use. ✖ I am in no position to give anyone permission to use this pic. .➝ Please ask the WLOP and NOT me for permission !!! Previous Article “Dìdi (弟弟)” Embraces the Cringier Side of Adolescence Next Article 2024 San Sebastián: Alberdi, Ozon, Oppenheimer, Costa-Gavras, Leigh & Laura Carreira & Xin Huo Debuts in Comp Print 46