My renewed poetic film festivity (PFFAPP)
Respected viewers, connoisseurs and amateurs!
I have recently renewed my poetic films' thematic screenings that were quite a success among general, unprepared audiences and among cryticists alike, at the shores of the Black Sea and the Middle Sea in 2011-15 and in 2022-24. I named my festival after my two best pedagogicians in cinema (friends between themselves and co-thinkers among each other), Semyon Ryabikov and Cyril Razlogov (both unfortunately passed away within recent years, and this loss is so perceptible for me as their diligent disciple in genres).
I would prefer their thematic and genre missions, to last, at the formates of Poetic Film Festivity of Anna Polibina-Polansky (PFFAPP), Valetta - Basel - Moscow. October, 2024.