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The complete line-up for Mórbido Film Fest 2024.
Rick W
/ Categories: Film Score News

The complete line-up for Mórbido Film Fest 2024.



Creating greater diversity and reaching new audiences, this edition’s selection brings together films of various themes from different countries around the world. It forms a solid showcase of the best in the genre, extending its long tentacles into other subgenres and mediums like comedy, thriller, documentary, 3D animation and stop motion.


Staying true to the genre, we aimed to include something new and something classic—films that dive into the horror movies that have left a lasting impact on audiences and those that terrify them today. For the second consecutive year, we’re bringing back our Morbidocs section in an increased capacity reflecting the growing importance of the documentary in genre cinema.


For the first time, we’re featuring an exciting selection of restored classics that aims to highlight the beautiful craft of preservation and restoration while introducing films that marked the history of genre to new audiences.


Our sincere thanks to all the sales agents, distributors, producers, and filmmakers whose collaboration made this line-up possible. Your support has been essential in bringing these films to Mexican audiences.


Terrifier 3 (USA; dir. Damien Leone)


Apocalipsis Z: El principio del fin (Spain; dir. Carles Torrens)


Witchboard (USA; dir. Chuck Russell)


Scared Shitless (Canada; dir. Vivieno Caldinelli)


Frankie Freako (Canada; dir. Steven Kostanski)


Spermageddon (Norway; dir. Rasmus Sivertsen, Tommy Wirkola)


It doesn’t get any better than this (USA; dir. Rachel Kempf, Nick Toti)


Straight on till Morning (USA; dir. Craig Oueliette)


Arcadian (USA, Ireland, Canada; dir. Rachel Kempf, Nick Toti)


Deviant (Spain, dir. Daniel Caneiro)


Oddity (Ireland; dir. Damian McCarthy)


She Loved Blossoms More (Greece, France; dir. Yannis Veslemes)


Else (France; dir. Thibault Emin)


Trizombie (Belgium; dir. Bob Colaers)


Dead Mail (USA; dir. Joe DeBoer, Kyle McConaghy)


Sayara (Turkey; dir. Can Evrenol)


Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass (UK, Germany, Poland; dir.

Stephen Quay, Timothy Quay)


The Devil’s Bath (Austria, Germany; dir. Severin Fiala, Veronika Franz)


MadS (France; dir. David Moreau)


Vincent Must Die (France, Belgium; dir. Stéphan Castang)


Vampire Zombies...from Space! (Canada; dir. Michael Stasko)


In our Blood (USA; dir. Pedro Kos)


El Instinto (Spain; dir. Juan Albarracín)


SUN (USA, dir. Dominic Lahiff)


From the End of the World (Japan; dir. Kazuaki Kiriya)


Traumatika (USA, Pierre Tsigaridis)


Couples to Hell (Korea, dir. Anglee)


Tim Travers and the Time Travelers Paradox (USA; dir. Stimson Snead)




Latin American Section



Párvulos (México; dir. Isaac Ezban)


Turno Nocturno (México; dir. Rigoberto Castañeda)


Jíkuri (México; dir. Federico Cecchetti)


The Day is Long and Dark (México; dir. Julio Hernández Cordón)


A Fisherman's Tale (México; dir. Edgar Nito)


I Heart Willie: The Origin of Mickey (USA, México; dir. Alejandro G. Alegre)


1978  (Argentina; dir. Nicolás y Luciano Onetti)


Abraço de Mae (Brazil; dir. Cristian Ponce)


The Devil’s Teardrop (Perú; dir. Gonzalo Otero)


The Hyperboreans (Chile; dir. Joaquín Cociña, Cristóbal León)


Deus Irae (Argentina; dir. Pedro Cristiani)


Retratos del Apocalisis (Argentina; dir. Fabian Forte)


Perkings (Chile; dir. Patricio Valladares)





Chain Reactions (USA; dir. Alexandre O. Philippe)


Al Margen (Spain; dir. Eduardo Casanova)


Exorcismo (Spain; dir. Alberto Sedano)


Realm of Satan (USA; dir. Scott Cummings)


Grand Theft Hamlet (UK; dir. Sam Crane, Pinny Grylls)


Children of The Wicker Man (UK; dir. Justin Hardy, Dominic Hardy, Chris Nunn)


Nadie inquietó más 2.0 (Argentina; dir. Gustavo Mendoza)


Otra Piel (Chile; dir. Patricia Correa)


Call me Paul (Spain; dir. Victor Matellano)



Mórbido Classics


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (USA; 1974, dir. Tobe Hooper)


The Savage Hunt of King Stakh (Belarus; 1980, dir. Valeri Rubinchik)


Santa Sangre - (Mexico, Italia; 1989, dir. Alejandro Jodorowsky)










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