A few words from the jury:
« In awarding Tata, the Human Rights in Motion Award, our jury wishes to honour the work and commitment of Lina Vdovîi and Radu Ciorniciuc who, through this intimate, sincere and deeply moving story, shed a rare light on the issue of domestic violence and the exploitation of invisible workers in Europe.
Thanks to a subtle narrative combining hidden camera and direct cinema, Tata plunges us both into the brutal reality of exploited workers on Italian wine estates, contemporary slaves, and into the toxic family knots that are passed down from generation to generation. However, the film does not stop at making observations, and instead fights a real battle: that of breaking the chains of the reproduction of violence, denouncing the failings of institutions - administrative or religious - and calling for a collective awakening.
At the crossroads of Italy, Moldavia and Romania, Tata transcends borders and reminds us, with striking force, that human rights are an urgent collective issue, here and now, at the heart of Europe. Through its subtlety, courage and sensitivity, this is not just a film that challenges us: it is a work that invites us not to resign ourselves. »
The jury: Irène Challand, Sylvain Louvet & Olivier Saby
The Human Rights in Motion Award is awarded to the director of the best film promoting human rights or the fight for democratic values. It is awarded by the Impact Documentary Jury, and is endowed with €5,000 by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.