2024 Atlanta Film Festival Screenplay Competition

The Atlanta Film Society is pleased to present the 2024 Atlanta Film Festival Screenplay Competition Semifinalists. Chosen from 1,555 total submissions, the following 80 feature film screenplays, 42 pilots, and 32 shorts represent the top 10% of all entries. Their authors are competing for invaluable mentorship opportunities to help hone their craft and plan the next steps in their careers in addition to cash prizes. Please join us in congratulating these impressive authors, and wish them well as the programming team continues to narrow this list down to the Finalists and eventually to 5 Winning Scripts!
Feature Screenplay Semifinalists
10 Days In A Madhouse - Nicola Pittam
A Shooting Star - Jack Coady
Adventures in Serial Killing - Jack Warner
Afterwards - Lauren Grant
Alien America - Gorby Mufan Shih
Askari - Christiaan Smit
Aubrei from La Veta - Sam Ellison
Belonging - Liz Fields
Bike Lane Ends - Noah Glenn
Black Sheep - Mimi Lee
Bloom - James Lamp II
Braddock - Gregory Caruso
But Some of Us Are Brave - Jainaba Seckan
But We Slept Soundly - Jake Kolton, Audrey Findlay
Chosen - Cosmo Wallace
Classmates - Matthew Schlissel
Contained - Jennifer Wilton
Cradle - Harriet Bramwell
Crayola Zen - Mike Green
CRIME WAVE - Tammy Klembith, George Klembith
Dadwatch - Eric Stern, Joshua Mann
Diary of a Failed Minister's Daughter - Susie Mendoza
Divorce, Marry, Kill - Alex Watson
East Jesus - Duane Graves
Fade In, Fade Out - Rob Levinson
Feedback - Jeffrey Dinghua Lei
Fright Masks - Stephen Polakiewicz
Globulous - Flax Glor
HEARTRACE - Will Bermender
HOMESTALKER - Olivia Jampol
Hot Naked Mess - Jonathan Dillon, Sascha Alexander
If You're Lucky They'll Believe Every Word - Cameron Linly Robinson
Lo & Em - Claire Audrey Aguayo
Manongs - Mariel Madrid, Keone Madrid
Mud Simple - Austin Alward
Neat Freak - Christopher Glass
Oh Sickie! - julien wagner
Ouroboros - Red Davis
Over the Hill - Laura Kemp
Powdered Sugar - Tyler Gibbons
Problematic - Jerry J Sampson
Quran Camp - Samah Meghjee
REMEDIATION - Conner Marie Allen
Riddle - Shiva Ramanathan
Road Closure - John Cerrito
Roe Island - Hanna Hedqvist
Rule Of Law - Eric Johnson
Sel De Mer "Sea Salt" - Jacqueline Cloake
Senseless Confidential - Martin Bannon Beaudet
Serotinous - Terra Mackintosh
She Becomes Pedro Infante - J.K. Zepeda
Shelby - Brian Ruberry
Shot Clock - King Lu
Sixty Days Is Forever - Jeff Fletcher
Sludge - Jen Butler
Sonoran - Jack Aupperle
Stand Up - Eric Meltzer
Starchildren - Michael Anthony De Toffoli
Stranded - Jen Boxall
Survivor Duty - Kyle Curry
The Blur - Dean Farell Bruggeman
The Fallen - Gabrielle Nehring
The Hare - Bryson Edmondson
The Hazard Room - Mike Cymanski
The Knowledge of Good & Evil - Luke Edward
The Last Blockbuster - Justin Miller, Jeremiah Castleman
The Show Must Go On - Bret Miller
The Struggle is Reel - Jennifer Tomlin
The Taking of North Pole 1-2-3 - Robert Husted
The Untold Story of the Titanic - Willie Mae Kent
Thirstygirl - Alexandra Qin
This is Pablo - Sammie Rose
Three Sheets to the Wind - Sean Pedersen
Twisted Justice - Joel McElvaney
Us, Unlikely - Tricia Lee
Victor - Aaron Huckleberry
Watermelon, Watermelon, Watermelon - Calvin Claudio
Willa - Elizabeth Myer
Pilot Screenplay Semifinalists
A Black Girl's Guide... - Aadrise Johnson
A Lost Lady - Pilot: "A Spark" - Holly Michelle Swenson
Akata - Stephanie Obadare, Caroline Gordon-Elliott
America Rise, America Fall - Giovanni Taveras
BAD B "The Glamour Profession" - Jan Arnold
Bear Frat - Pilot - Will Moro
CRIMSON TIES - Jackie Quinones
Do I Belong Here? - Teri Rusike
Flipped - Justin Alicastro
FRUITFUL - Jessica McLaughlin
Fundies TV Pilot - Jessica Furniss
Gallatin - Ryan Skinner
Gigantica - Duane Smith, Stefane Barbeau
Good Bones - Brooke Becker
Grace and the Aliens - Jennica Johnson
Guardians Of The Pacific - Derek Quick (Negane Meno)
Like You Stole It - Stacey Russell
MADS - Jan Pearson
McAllen - Michael Chludzinski
Morlock - Anthony Povah
Pandora - Jeff Bower
PETROL GIRLS - Jade Maitre
Protocol One - Geoffrey Colo
Run Red - Felicity R Landa
SIMORGH - Farzin Farzam
Snack Shack - Kate Kowalski
The Age of the Empath - Steve Brown
The Backrooms - Jon Addison
The Detail - Jonah Einstein
The Fugitive Game - Martha Swetzoff
The Ginger Seeds of Loxahatchee - Nik Prietus
The Girl with the Devil Eyes - Toby Marks
The Great Balgair - Faith Dismuke
The Last Cabin Left on Old Sycamore Lane - Michael Rakoff
The Local - Mark Naccarato
The Sessions - Pilot episode - Alexander Julian
The Skipper - Telsyn Doucette
The subtle art - Gaia Kim Bartolini, Nick Habal
The Talking Animals - Andrew Gitomer
THE TWO OF US - Alison Balnar
WENCH Pilot Script - Aaveen Marandi, Tommy Miller
Short Screenplay Semifinalists
A Tempo - Lorelai Jo-hsuan Lin
Algorithm and Blues - Jamie Benson
April and Mr. Stockman - Montgomery Burt
Become the Wounded - Gabe Berry, Amir Zargara
Bittersweet - Alec Gutherz
Bomb Ass Boss(es) - Shanice Williamson
Byrdie's Call - Connor Austin Jones
Chosen - Michelle Farley
Curtain Call - Taylor Rankin
ELLIOTT - Shaun Radecki
First Sunrise - Healin Kweon
Ghomeeda - Aya Mheidly
Good Evening, Marshall (Good Evening, Geraldine) - Jessica Mosher
Handle With Care - Allison Orr Block
Homogeneous - Nicky Rudolph Calloway
Hook and Swing - Dana Hawthorne
In With the Storm - Cara Marshall
Iron Fist - Kagure Kabue
Lead Sandwich - andre salloom
Life and Death are spelled the same - Neil Knox
Mouse - Michael Clifton
Paper Monsters - Michael Clifton
Pumpkin Goulash - Yvette Farmer
The 25th Annual Tucker High Talent Show - Evan Deis
The Late Shift - Hallie Reese Kostrencich
The Rusty Nail - John Acquaviva
Thirteen Mountains - Lauren James
Togs - William Winston
Witness to Breath - Doug Conant
Woman in the Wood - B Maddox