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Highlights of the Torino International Film Festival

Rick W 0 53
Actor and director Giulio Base is the new creative director of the TFF. A perfect fit, not only is he originally from Torino, kind of a must in order to be suitable for the TFF,  he is also married to Tiziana Rocca, herself a celebrity and best connected to Hollywood. No wonder then that Hollywood stars are present at the current TFF edition. For the very first time this is happening in Torino, so many American actors are discovering Torino, this beautiful and elegant capital of the Piemonte. Most of them are here for the very first time. While theTFF is not an A-listed film festival like Venice, it is going strongly into competition with the Rome Film Festival. And it has something like no other city. The wonderful Museum of Cinema with new elected creative director Carlo Chatrian, who just left the Berlinale. Torino has all ingredients to become a hot spot for film lovers, as for the industry it has been for many years with the Torino Film Lab and co-production market.
Sharon Stone and Matthew Broderick received on the opening ceremony the Stelle della Mole awards. 
The magnificient diva and bright actress shared her connection to Italy at the press conference. Sharon Syone said:
"When i was 19 I moved to Milan and became a model, I began my carrier in Italy with of course an Italian boyfriend and since then I love Italy. I later brought my kids here, I wanted them to discover the rich Italian culture. I will be soon back to Torino for a painting show.
In the current time, the world is facing many conflicts. Sharon Stone then explained that the dialogue is the only way out. "Art is the most beautiful way to express emotions and communicate." Everythig is changing when you express through film, the best way to express ourself without violence.
And when adressed about her opionion of AI Sharon Stone said:
We can shoot fast, film making is fast, fast now to make films. And when addressed to share her tuoughts about Ai, the American actress made it clear that she does not see any threat and actually embracing new technologies entering our homes, our daily life. 
Also American actress Angelina Jolie expressed similar thoughts. 

Highlights of the Torino International Film Festival

Rick W 0 45
Actor and director Giulio Base is the new creative director of the TFF. A perfect fit, not only is he originally from Torino, kind of a must in order to be suitable for the TFF,  he is also married to Tiziana Rocca, herself a celebrity and best connected to Hollywood. No wonder then that Hollywood stars are present at the current TFF edition. For the very first time this is happening in Torino, so many American actors are discovering Torino, this beautiful and elegant capital of the Piemonte. Most of them are here for the very first time. While theTFF is not an A-listed film festival like Venice, it is going strongly into competition with the Rome Film Festival. And it has something loke no other city. The wonderful Museum of Cinema with new elected creative director Carlo Chatrian, who just left the Berlinale. Torino has all ingredients to become a hot spot for film lovers, as for the industry it has been for many years with the Torino Film Lab and co-production market.
Sharon Stome and Matthew Broderick received on the opening ceremony the Stelle della Mole awards. 
The magnificient and bright actress shared her connection to.Italy at the press conference.
 When i was 19 I moved to Milan and became a model, I began my carrier in Italy with of course an Italian boyfriend and since then I love Italy. I later brought my kids here, I wanted them to discover the rich Italian culture. I will be soon back to Torino for a painting show.
In the current time, the world is facing many conflicts. Sharon Stone then explained that the dialogue is the only way out. "Art is the most beautiful way to express emotions and communicate." Everythig is changing when you express through film, the best way to express ourself without violence.
And when adressed about her opionion of AI Sharon Stone said:
We can shoot fast, film making is fast, fast now to make films. And when addressed to share her tuoughts about Ai, the American actress made it clear that she does not see any threat and actually embracing new technologies entering our homes, our daily life. 
Also American actress Angelina Jolie expressed similar thoughts. 

Highlights of the Torino International Film Festival

Rick W 0 44
Actor and director Giulio Base is the new creative director of the TFF. A perfect fit, not only is he originally from Torino, kind of a must in order to be suitable for the TFF,  he is also married to Tiziana Rocca, herself a celebrity and best connected to Hollywood. No wonder then that Hollywood stars are present at the current TFF edition. For the very first time this is happening in Torino, so many American actors are discovering Torino, this beautiful and elegant capital of the Piemonte. Most of them are here for the very first time. While theTFF is not an A-listed film festival like Venice, it is going strongly into competition with the Rome Film Festival. And it has something loke no other city. The wonderful Museum of Cinema with new elected creative director Carlo Chatrian, who just left the Berlinale. Torino has all ingredients to become a hot spot for film lovers, as for the industry it has been for many years with the Torino Film Lab and co-production market.
Sharon Stome and Matthew Broderick received on the opening ceremony the Stelle della Mole awards. 
The magnificient and bright actress shared her connection to.Italy at the press conference.
 When i was 19 I moved to Milan and became a model, I began my carrier in Italy with of course an Italian boyfriend and since then I love Italy. I later brought my kids here, I wanted them to discover the rich Italian culture. I will be soon back to Torino for a painting show.
In the current time, the world is facing many conflicts. Sharon Stone then explained that the dialogue is the only way out. "Art is the most beautiful way to express emotions and communicate." Everythig is changing when you express through film, the best way to express ourself without violence.
And when adressed about her opionion of AI Sharon Stone said:
We can shoot fast, film making is fast, fast now to make films. And when addressed to share her tuoughts about Ai, the American actress made it clear that she does not see any threat and actually embracing new technologies entering our homes, our daily life. 
Also American actress Angelina Jolie expressed similar thoughts. 

Matthew Broderick and Ron Howard to receive the "Stelle della Mole" Award at t Torino International Film Festival on November 22

Rick W 0 29
Donnerstag, 22. November, 19:00 Uhr im Teatro Regio in Turin
Regisseur Giulio Base und die Patin des Festivals, Cristiana Capotondi, moderieren die Eröffnungszeremonie im renommierten Teatro Regio von Turin. Der prestigeträchtige Preis „Stelle della Mole“ wird an fünf unbestrittene Stars des Weltkinos verliehen: Matthew Broderick, Giancarlo Giannini, Rosario Dawson, Vince Vaugh und Filmregisseur Ron Howard.
Der zweifache Oscar-Preisträger aus den USA wird dem Publikum des Turiner Filmfestivals in einer internationalen Vorpremiere auch seinen neuesten Film „Eden“ mit Jude Law, Ana De Armas, Vanessa Kirby, Daniel Brühl und Syndey Sweeney vorstellen. Der Film wird als exklusive Premiere für Italien mit Unterstützung der italienischen internationalen Lucisano-Gruppe und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Rai Cinema gezeigt und in Kürze von 01 Distribution vertrieben.
Samstag, 30. November um 19:00 Uhr im Cinema Massimo
Der Abend der Preisverleihung, bei der alle Preise an die Gewinner der drei Wettbewerbskategorien verliehen werden, wird durch den mit Spannung erwarteten Film „Waltzing with Brando“ bereichert, der von Bill Fishman geschrieben und inszeniert wurde. Der Regisseur wird bei der Weltpremiere zusammen mit seinem Protagonisten Billy Zane anwesend sein, der Marlon Brando spielt und dem Kultstar wunderbar ähnelt.

42nd Torino Film Festival

Rick W 0 28
42. Turiner Filmfestival
Die 42. Ausgabe des Turiner Filmfestivals findet vom 22. bis 30. November 2024 unter der Schirmherrschaft des Nationalen Filmmuseums statt, unter dem Vorsitz von Enzo Ghigo und mit Carlo Chatrian, der kürzlich die Berliner Filmfestspiele als neuer Direktor verlassen hat. Der neue künstlerische Leiter des Turiner Filmfestivals ist der erfolgreiche italienische Filmregisseur und Schauspieler Giulio Base.
Diese 42. Festivalausgabe ist Marlon Brando gewidmet – einem der größten Schauspieler aller Zeiten. Und während das Konterfei des emblematischen amerikanischen Schauspielers auf dem Festivalplakat zu sehen ist, ist eine große Retrospektive seiner Filme Teil dieser TFF-Ausgabe anlässlich seines hundertsten Geburtstags.
Die TFF-Eröffnungszeremonie im Teatro Regio von Turin unterstreicht den Wunsch des TFF, mit den wichtigsten Kulturinstitutionen Turins zusammenzuarbeiten. Das Teatro Regio von Turin ist ein symbolträchtiger Veranstaltungsort und ein großes internationales Opernhaus. Patin der Eröffnungszeremonie ist die italienische Schauspielerin Cristiana Capotondi.
Das Programm zeichnet sich durch die Auswahl origineller und unabhängiger Filme aus, meist internationale Vorpremieren, und durch die sehr hohe Präsenz weiblicher Filmemacher. Darüber hinaus sind die drei Vorsitzenden der Jury der Wettbewerbssektionen Margaret Mazzantini, Roberta Torre und Michela Cescon.
Das Kino nimmt mit 120 gezeigten Filmen wieder eine vorherrschende und grundlegende Rolle ein. Es wird drei Wettbewerbssektionen (Spielfilme, Dokumentarfilme und Kurzfilme) und drei nicht-wettbewerbsorientierte Sektionen (außer Konkurrenz, Zibaldone und die Marlon Brando-Retrospektive) geben. Es werden zahlreiche Filmdelegationen erwartet und alle Filme werden von ihrem Regisseur oder den Hauptdarstellern präsentiert oder vorgestellt. 
Der rote Teppich hat Turin erreicht: von Ron Howard bis Billy Zane, von Sharon Stone bis Julia Ormond, von Emmanuelle Béart bis Rosario Dawson, von Alec Baldwin bis Matthew Broderick und Vince Vaughn. Unter den Stars der italienischen Filmkunst werden Giancarlo Giannini, Ornella Muti, Michele Placido, Claudia Gerini, Giuseppe Battiston, Maurizio Nichetti und Donatella Finocchiaro über den roten Teppich laufen, um nur einige zu nennen.
Das 42. TFF findet in Zusammenarbeit mit der Film Commission Torino Piemonte, dem TorinoFilmLab und der Torino Film Industry sowie mit dem Ministerium für Wohlfahrt und Rechte der Stadt Turin und der Universität Turin statt.
Diese Ausgabe widmet sich sozialen Themen mit geplanten Veranstaltungen besonders und bekräftigt ihr Engagement für ökologische Nachhaltigkeit, indem sie den bewährten Praktiken des von AFIC erstellten Festival Green Guide folgt.
Donnerstag, 22. November, 19:00 Uhr im Teatro Regio in Turin
Regisseur Giulio Base und die Patin des Festivals, Cristiana Capotondi, moderieren die Eröffnungszeremonie im renommierten Teatro Regio von Turin. Der prestigeträchtige Preis „Stelle della Mole“ wird an fünf unbestrittene Stars des Weltkinos verliehen: Matthew Broderick, Giancarlo Giannini, Rosario Dawson, Vince Vaugh und Filmregisseur Ron Howard.
Der zweifache Oscar-Preisträger aus den USA wird dem Publikum des Turiner Filmfestivals in einer internationalen Vorpremiere auch seinen neuesten Film „Eden“ mi

42nd Torino Film Festival

Rick W 0 41
42nd Torino Film Festival
The 42nd edition of the Torino Film Festival will take place from November 22 to November 30, 2024 under the aegis of the National Cinema Museum, chaired by Enzo Ghigo and with Carlo Chatrian, who recently left the Berlin Film Festival as the new director. The new artistic director of the Torino Film Festival is the succesful Italian film director and actor Giulio Base.
This 42nd festival edition is dedicated to Marlon Brando - one of the greatest actors of all times, and while the conterfeit of the emblematic American actor is on the festival's poster, a large retrospective of his films is part of this TFF edition, celebrating the centenary of his birth.
The TFF opening ceremony taking place in the Teatro Regio of Torino highlights the TFF's desire to collaborate with the most important cultural institutions of Torino. The Teatro Regio of Torino is an emblematic venue and a great international opera house. The godmother of the opening ceremony is Italian actress Cristiana Capotondi.
The program is characterized by the choice of original and independent films, mostly international previews and by the very high presence of female filmmakers. On top of this  the three presidents of the jury of the competition sections are Margaret Mazzantini, Roberta Torre and Michela Cescon.
The cinema regains a predominant and fundamental role with 120 films screened. There wil be three competition sections (feature films, documentaries and short films) and three non-competitive sections (out of competition, Zibaldone and the Marlon Brando retrospective). Many film delegations are expected, and all films will be presented or introduced by its film director or leading actors. 
The red carpet has reached Torino: from Ron Howard to Billy Zane, from Sharon Stone to Julia Ormond, from Emmanuelle Béart to Rosario Dawson, from Alec Baldwin to Matthew Broderick and Vince Vaughn. Among the stars of the Italian cinematography will be walking the red carpet Giancarlo Giannini, Ornella Muti, Michele Placido, Claudia Gerini, Giuseppe Battiston, Maurizio Nichetti, Donatella Finocchiaro, just to name a few.
The 42 TFF takes place in collaboration with the Film Commission Torino Piemonte, TorinoFilmLab and Torino Film Industry, aswell as with the Department of Welfare and Rights of the City of Torino and the University of Torino.
This edition pays particular attention to social issues with events to takes place in the pipeline and reconfirms its commitment to environmental sustainability by following the good practices of the Festival Green Guide created by AFIC.
Thursday, November 22nd at 7:00 pm at the Teatro Regio in Turin
Director Giulio Base and the festival's godmother, Cristiana Capotondi, will host the opening ceremony at the prestigious Teatro Regio of Turin. The prestigious award “Stelle della Mole” will be given to five undisputed stars of the world cinema: Matthew Broderick, Giancarlo Giannini, Rosario Dawson, Vince Vaugh and film director Ron Howard.
The two-time Oscar-winning American director will also present to the audience of the Torino Film Festival, in an international preview, his latest film "Eden", with Jude Law, Ana De Armas, Vanessa Kirby, Daniel Brühl and Syndey Sweeney. The film will be screened as an exclusive premiere for Italy with the support of the Italian International Lucisano Group and in collaboration with the Rai Cinema, and will be soon distributed by 01 Distribution.

42nd Torino Film Festival

Rick W 0 43
42nd Torino Film Festival
The 42nd edition of the Torino Film Festival will take place from November 22 to November 30, 2024 under the aegis of the National Cinema Museum, chaired by Enzo Ghigo and with Carlo Chatrian, who recently left the Berlin Film Festival as the new director. The new artistic director of the Torino Film Festival is the succesful Italian film director and actor Giulio Base.
This 42nd festival edition is dedicated to Marlon Brando - one of the greatest actors of all times, and while the conterfeit of the emblematic American actor is on the festival's poster, a large retrospective of his films is part of this TFF edition, celebrating the centenary of his birth.
The TFF opening ceremony taking place in the Teatro Regio of Torino highlights the TFF's desire to collaborate with the most important cultural institutions of Torino. The Teatro Regio of Torino is an emblematic venue and a great international opera house. The godmother of the opening ceremony is Italian actress Cristiana Capotondi.
The program is characterized by the choice of original and independent films, mostly international previews and by the very high presence of female filmmakers. On top of this  the three presidents of the jury of the competition sections are Margaret Mazzantini, Roberta Torre and Michela Cescon.
The cinema regains a predominant and fundamental role with 120 films screened. There wil be three competition sections (feature films, documentaries and short films) and three non-competitive sections (out of competition, Zibaldone and the Marlon Brando retrospective). Many film delegations are expected, and all films will be presented or introduced by its film director or leading actors. 
The red carpet has reached Torino: from Ron Howard to Billy Zane, from Sharon Stone to Julia Ormond, from Emmanuelle Béart to Rosario Dawson, from Alec Baldwin to Matthew Broderick and Vince Vaughn. Among the stars of the Italian cinematography will be walking the red carpet Giancarlo Giannini, Ornella Muti, Michele Placido, Claudia Gerini, Giuseppe Battiston, Maurizio Nichetti, Donatella Finocchiaro, just to name a few.
The 42 TFF takes place in collaboration with the Film Commission Torino Piemonte, TorinoFilmLab and Torino Film Industry, aswell as with the Department of Welfare and Rights of the City of Torino and the University of Torino.
This edition pays particular attention to social issues with events to takes place in the pipeline and reconfirms its commitment to environmental sustainability by following the good practices of the Festival Green Guide created by AFIC.
Thursday, November 22nd at 7:00 pm at the Teatro Regio in Turin
Director Giulio Base and the festival's godmother, Cristiana Capotondi, will host the opening ceremony at the prestigious Teatro Regio of Turin. The prestigious award “Stelle della Mole” will be given to five undisputed stars of the world cinema: Matthew Broderick, Giancarlo Giannini, Rosario Dawson, Vince Vaugh and film director Ron Howard.
The two-time Oscar-winning American director will also present to the audience of the Torino Film Festival, in an international preview, his latest film "Eden", with Jude Law, Ana De Armas, Vanessa Kirby, Daniel Brühl and Syndey Sweeney. The film will be screened as an exclusive premiere for Italy with the support of the Italian International Lucisano Group and in collaboration with the Rai Cinema, and will be soon distributed by 01 Distribution.

42nd Torino Film Festival

Rick W 0 43
42nd Torino Film Festival
The 42nd edition of the Torino Film Festival will take place from November 22 to November 30, 2024 under the aegis of the National Cinema Museum, chaired by Enzo Ghigo and with Carlo Chatrian, who recently left the Berlin Film Festival as the new director. The new artistic director of the Torino Film Festival is the succesful Italian film director and actor Giulio Base.
This 42nd festival edition is dedicated to Marlon Brando - one of the greatest actors of all times, and while the conterfeit of the emblematic American actor is on the festival's poster, a large retrospective of his films is part of this TFF edition, celebrating the centenary of his birth.
The TFF opening ceremony taking place in the Teatro Regio of Torino highlights the TFF's desire to collaborate with the most important cultural institutions of Torino. The Teatro Regio of Torino is an emblematic venue and a great international opera house. The godmother of the opening ceremony is Italian actress Cristiana Capotondi.
The program is characterized by the choice of original and independent films, mostly international previews and by the very high presence of female filmmakers. On top of this  the three presidents of the jury of the competition sections are Margaret Mazzantini, Roberta Torre and Michela Cescon.
The cinema regains a predominant and fundamental role with 120 films screened. There wil be three competition sections (feature films, documentaries and short films) and three non-competitive sections (out of competition, Zibaldone and the Marlon Brando retrospective). Many film delegations are expected, and all films will be presented or introduced by its film director or leading actors. 
The red carpet has reached Torino: from Ron Howard to Billy Zane, from Sharon Stone to Julia Ormond, from Emmanuelle Béart to Rosario Dawson, from Alec Baldwin to Matthew Broderick and Vince Vaughn. Among the stars of the Italian cinematography will be walking the red carpet Giancarlo Giannini, Ornella Muti, Michele Placido, Claudia Gerini, Giuseppe Battiston, Maurizio Nichetti, Donatella Finocchiaro, just to name a few.
The 42 TFF takes place in collaboration with the Film Commission Torino Piemonte, TorinoFilmLab and Torino Film Industry, aswell as with the Department of Welfare and Rights of the City of Torino and the University of Torino.
This edition pays particular attention to social issues with events to takes place in the pipeline and reconfirms its commitment to environmental sustainability by following the good practices of the Festival Green Guide created by AFIC.
Thursday, November 22nd at 7:00 pm at the Teatro Regio in Turin
Director Giulio Base and the festival's godmother, Cristiana Capotondi, will host the opening ceremony at the prestigious Teatro Regio of Turin. The prestigious award “Stelle della Mole” will be given to five undisputed stars of the world cinema: Matthew Broderick, Giancarlo Giannini, Rosario Dawson, Vince Vaugh and film director Ron Howard.
The two-time Oscar-winning American director will also present to the audience of the Torino Film Festival, in an international preview, his latest film "Eden", with Jude Law, Ana De Armas, Vanessa Kirby, Daniel Brühl and Syndey Sweeney. The film will be screened as an exclusive premiere for Italy with the support of the Italian International Lucisano Group and in collaboration with the Rai Cinema, and will be soon distributed by 01 Distribution.

42nd Torino Film Festival

Rick W 0 42
42nd Torino Film Festival
The 42nd edition of the Torino Film Festival will take place from November 22 to November 30, 2024 under the aegis of the National Cinema Museum, chaired by Enzo Ghigo and with Carlo Chatrian, who recently left the Berlin Film Festival as the new director. The new artistic director of the Torino Film Festival is the succesful Italian film director and actor Giulio Base.
This 42nd festival edition is dedicated to Marlon Brando - one of the greatest actors of all times, and while the conterfeit of the emblematic American actor is on the festival's poster, a large retrospective of his films is part of this TFF edition, celebrating the centenary of his birth.
The TFF opening ceremony taking place in the Teatro Regio of Torino highlights the TFF's desire to collaborate with the most important cultural institutions of Torino. The Teatro Regio of Torino is an emblematic venue and a great international opera house. The godmother of the opening ceremony is Italian actress Cristiana Capotondi.
The program is characterized by the choice of original and independent films, mostly international previews and by the very high presence of female filmmakers. On top of this  the three presidents of the jury of the competition sections are Margaret Mazzantini, Roberta Torre and Michela Cescon.
The cinema regains a predominant and fundamental role with 120 films screened. There wil be three competition sections (feature films, documentaries and short films) and three non-competitive sections (out of competition, Zibaldone and the Marlon Brando retrospective). Many film delegations are expected, and all films will be presented or introduced by its film director or leading actors. 
The red carpet has reached Torino: from Ron Howard to Billy Zane, from Sharon Stone to Julia Ormond, from Emmanuelle Béart to Rosario Dawson, from Alec Baldwin to Matthew Broderick and Vince Vaughn. Among the stars of the Italian cinematography will be walking the red carpet Giancarlo Giannini, Ornella Muti, Michele Placido, Claudia Gerini, Giuseppe Battiston, Maurizio Nichetti, Donatella Finocchiaro, just to name a few.
The 42 TFF takes place in collaboration with the Film Commission Torino Piemonte, TorinoFilmLab and Torino Film Industry, aswell as with the Department of Welfare and Rights of the City of Torino and the University of Torino.
This edition pays particular attention to social issues with events to takes place in the pipeline and reconfirms its commitment to environmental sustainability by following the good practices of the Festival Green Guide created by AFIC.
Thursday, November 22nd at 7:00 pm at the Teatro Regio in Turin
Director Giulio Base and the festival's godmother, Cristiana Capotondi, will host the opening ceremony at the prestigious Teatro Regio of Turin. The prestigious award “Stelle della Mole” will be given to five undisputed stars of the world cinema: Matthew Broderick, Giancarlo Giannini, Rosario Dawson, Vince Vaugh and film director Ron Howard.
The two-time Oscar-winning American director will also present to the audience of the Torino Film Festival, in an international preview, his latest film "Eden", with Jude Law, Ana De Armas, Vanessa Kirby, Daniel Brühl and Syndey Sweeney. The film will be screened as an exclusive premiere for Italy with the support of the Italian International Lucisano Group and in collaboration with the Rai Cinema, and will be soon distributed by 01 Distribution.


Rick W 0 200

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